Welcome to Episode Zero of the Around the Block! Our goal with this video and podcast series to empower the next generation of crypto creators. To do this, once a week we are interviewing the top DeFi and blockchain minds from across the decentralized world to get their stories into the industry. Some of the awesome individuals we have lined up are:

Week 1) Stani Kulechov (@StaniKulechov) ||  Founder and CEO @AaveAave

Week 2) Nick Johnson (@wekabot) || Founder and lead developer of ENS @ensdomains

Week 3) Paul Razvan Berg (@PaulRBerg) || Tech lead @Mainframe_HQ via @SablierHQ (acq). Open source geek.

Week 4) Jordan Lyall (@JordanLyall) || Building open finance at @ConsenSys (Codefi / DeFiScore) • Chief $Meme Officer at @dontbuymeme • Previous: @TotleCrypto and @JibJab • Started: @HelloSanta

Week 5) Niran Babalola (@niran) || Founder of @PanvalaHQ, member of @meta_cartel. economic performance artist. prev: @ConsenSys/@ConsenSysAudits

Week 6) Hsin-Ju Chuang (@hsinjuchuang) || Founder & CEO @DystopiaLabs + Former Head of Growth @StellarOrg + Ex-Director at Tezos @TQTezos


Around the Block is Presented by Blockzero Labs, a blockchain development studio. We launch ideas into the decentralized world.


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