Hosts: The Gillinator, Brandon Krum

We've seen Arnold's art-house zombie drama "Maggie," and boy we've got a lot to say about it! Is it better in the theater or on an iPad? Does Arnold give his best performance ever? How are Abigail Breslin and the supporting actors? Is it as rewatchable as our favorite Arnold films? Did we like the ending? We discuss all of this, give our stogie rating, and more! Plus a bit about Terminator Genisys for good measure.

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Episode Links:

Henry Hobson interview with TAFs

Aiden and Carsen Flowers interview with TAFs

Watch Maggie on iTunes

Watch Maggie on Amazon

New Character Terminator Genisys posters

Omaze Contest page to win a day blowing shit up with Arnold

The Best Sites in Life:

TAFs Facebook Page

Daniel Marshall Cigars


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