Previous Episode: Armasneddon #1
Next Episode: Armasneddon #3

This week Inde talks to fellow Year 12 student Tom about the recent trend in Superhero films, what makes a genius, Rick and Morty and Kanye West. PLUS they inevitably they end up discussing the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and then to help offset their concerns they switch to discussing puppies.

This week Inde talks to fellow Year 12 student Tom about the recent trend in Superhero films, what makes a genius, Rick and Morty and Kanye West. PLUS they inevitably they end up discussing the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and then to help offset their concerns they switch to discussing puppies.

Links and Show Notes

You can find the host of Armasneddon on Twitter, follow him @fccarmasneddonfm to talk to Inde.

Listen on Youtube
Suicide Squad Extended Cut Trailer (Youtube)
Rick and Morty (IMDB)
Kayne West (Official Website)

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