Today we wax philosophically about white cashier racism, Kendrick's new album cover brought to you by MS Paint, Hip Hop needs multiple genres within the Billboard Charts, Smart Vibrator's being tracked, Chinese Engineer marries his robot, 50 Cent punches women, she gets on stage and twerks, Jay Z removes discography from Spotify/Apple Music, Republican Governor caught up in sex scandal, what a surprise, Oregon want's to life ban on duels, T-Rex turns out to be sensitive lover, Marijuana raids have killed more people than marijuana, United Airlines doctor drug off of airplane convicted of exchanging drugs for sex, 11 pound blunt washes up on Daytona Beach, book burning starts 700 acre brush fire in Florida, Briana Renee wants to be a 3'8" model, US drops bombs in Syria, Putin calling false flag and of course.. dedications.

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