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Renovating or moving is a big decision, and we will be  discussing the pros and cons of both options. We also have mortgage professional  Derek Evans on the show to talk about financing options.  Some of the key points you’ll be covering in the episode?

Those are essential factors to consider when deciding whether to move or renovate:
Cost: Comparing the cost of renovating versus buying a new home is crucial. Renovations can sometimes be more cost-effective, but it depends on the extent of the renovations and the real estate market.

Emotional Attachment: Emotional ties to your current home can play a significant role. Considering what you'll miss about your home and neighborhood is essential for making an informed decision.

Real Estate Market: Assessing the current state of the real estate market is crucial. It's essential to know if it's a good time to sell and if you'll get a good return on your investment.

Timing: Timing is everything, especially when it comes to family needs and lifestyle changes. Evaluating whether the timing is right for you and your family to make a move is key.

These points provide a comprehensive framework for making a well-informed decision about whether to renovate or move.

We hope you enjoy this episode of THE LOCKBOX brought o you by THE GRANDON GROUP, Arizona's #1 Brother & Sister Real Estate Team brokered by @MYHOMEGROUP.

Call Jason Grandon at 480-276-2954 with questions or visit us at

Thank you for watching The Lockbox brought to you by Arizona's #1 Brother and Sister Real Estate Team, THE GRANDON GROUP powered by My Home Group.

Call us anytime at 480-276-2954 JASON or my sister Stacey at 602-312-5610