This week our guest is Dr. Warren H. Stewart, Sr., a native of Coffeyville, Kansas.  Today he serves as the Senior Pastor of the First Institutional Baptist Church of Phoenix, Arizona and has served there since July 1, 1977.

Dr. Stewart served as the first General Chairperson for ARIZONANS FOR A MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. STATE HOLIDAY which contributed significantly to the legislative passage of Arizona’s Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday on September 21, 1989.  Dr. Stewart also organized and led VICTORY TOGETHER, INC., a broad-based coalition that campaigned for a Martin Luther King, Jr./Civil Rights Day in Arizona which was won by a historic vote of the people in the general election on November 3, 1992.

In our conversation, Dr. Stewart shares the moments in his life which led him from Kansas to Arizona and in his role as a leader in civil rights efforts here and beyond Arizona’s border.  We discuss everything from knowing when to say “no”, the attributes of servant leadership, overcoming personal challenges to pursue your calling, and much more.