Previous Episode: Solomon’s Many Wives
Next Episode: Solomon’s Adversaries

The opening, “O my people listen to my instructions. Open your ears to what I am saying for. I will speak to you in a parable. I will teach you hidden lessons from our past stories we have heard and known stories our ancestors handed down to us,” screams of Jesus inn Matthew 13:34&35. we're supposed to continually go to the word reminding ourselves so that we can teach it to our Children so that it will be ingrained in them. It will be their source for answers also because it is a relationship that God has with us and all people. This relationship with God is ongoing guidance and relationship. We can't put our children's faith into the Lord. The Lord is drawing them to himself and wants them to open their heart to him so that they can have an intimate relationship that God wants with all people. the story of the people of Israel isn't just a story so that we can be like, wow, they really messed up a lot. It's a story to see our own human nature and how we fail to put our trust in God. Because of our own failings and our choices, we're separated from God. Yet he always comes back, rescues us, and forgives us. God hears all, God sees all, and God is looking for me to look to him. John 16:33 where Jesus says to his disciples, “I have told you all this that you may have peace in me. Here on earth, you will have many trials and sorrows but take heart because I have overcome the world.” there's this bit of hope left at the end of this Psalm and where we are positioned today day, seeing the fruit of that hope and the promise that came true in that Jesus has overcome the world.