Previous Episode: I Say You Are Gods
Next Episode: They Will Learn

Reading 1 Kings 15:1-8 and 2 Chronicles 13. During a Abijam's rule and the story that we read in chronicles, I see this example of how despite Abijah not being faithful, God remains faithful. Abijah was not faithful, he recognizes the promise that God had made to David. More importantly, he recognizes the difference between a living God and the man-made gods that Jeroboam had made for himself. It's in a moment of distress that Abijah starts to declare the goodness of God and the difference between Judah and Israel. There’s a big difference between knowing the Lord and knowing about the Lord. But God, is faithful to his promise no matter what. Sometimes people can see God's faithfulness in their life and then perhaps think that they're all good that they don't need to change their life at all because God's faithfulness is being experienced. But the reality is God's faithfulness should be drawing us to know God more. God's plan and promise to continue to use the descendants of David to shine like a lamp. Pointing to Jesus who is going to be the ultimate light that comes into the world to shine and represent the goodness of God and the faithfulness of God and be the king that sits on the throne forever.