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Next Episode: Re-envision to Serve

Reading from John 12:20-32, Jesus is the picture of obedience. Jesus faithful and focused on the Goal. The kernel of life. The lone kernel’s death brings more kernels that were not there before. Laying down our life for the abundant life God has for us. If we want to serve Him we must follow Him.  The Holy Spirit is with you. The cost of being a disciple is laying down my life. Waiting for God’s timing to move. We go, we wait, and when God says, we do. Jesus’ disciples spent years with Him, God wants to spend time with you too. Jesus’ life is the kernel, we are to follow Jesus and likewise lay down our lives.  Follow Jesus, going into the dirt, bringing up new life, growing, and sharing in the eternal life. Living a life of Honor. Jesus draws people to Himself, we are to guide others in following after Jesus.