Reading 1 Kings 17 in the New Living Translation. Elijah declares that as surely as the Lord, the God of Israel lives the God. I serve, there will be no do or reign during the next few years until I give the word. Ahab had married Jezebel and they had started serving Baal who was a god who was supposed to bring the rain. God is faithful, God grows our faith and uses that growth in our life to increase the faith of others. Elijah, through his experiences, is telling her that God is a God that can be trusted and that she doesn't need to be afraid. She felt her sin was leaving her unworthy of the sustaining of life that God was giving her. God's presence does convict, and it does call for a change in our heart and we see this change in the woman's faith and her belief through the struggles and the trials that she's going through. Elijah understood his identity and his purpose. He was available to God and had his ear turned towards God. It's ok that we ask God and admit to God that our circumstances don't make sense to us and that we need his help. James 5:13. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results. Elijah’s example, the length of time and trials that he continued to pray through and the wonderful results that he saw. It's relying on God through difficult times that helps us persevere through the trials, and it's through the trials that God grows our faith. God is with you as you go through the hard times.