Previous Episode: Aries October 2017
Next Episode: Aries December 2017

Stoner Aries, this November you will rediscover just how resilient you really are. At first, you may see your shortcomings as only that–as simply wasted efforts and energies. But remember, from the most devastating ashes can grow a beautiful new life and accomplishment. Instead of dwelling on what was, you should look forward to all … Continue reading Aries November 2017 →

Stoner Aries, this November you will rediscover just how resilient you really are. At first, you may see your shortcomings as only that–as simply wasted efforts and energies. But remember, from the most devastating ashes can grow a beautiful new life and accomplishment. Instead of dwelling on what was, you should look forward to all that is to come. This does not mean that you should “hurry up and wait.” To the contrary, this winter will be a time for substantive self-evaluation: Find what has worked or has helped with your previous successes and let go of old habits or approaches that were unfruitful. Medicated meditation will be a must during this time. Whether you choose to smoke a cerebral enhancing Sativa to promote problem solving, or a nice relaxing Indica to refresh the body, make sure that some of your smoke sessions are solo so you will have the time to look inward.

Regarding homelife, Stoner Aries, it is advised that you choose your battles wisely. Not all will be chaotic or challenging. However, since you will undergo your own transformative experiences, you want to make sure you are on steady ground yourself before you attempt to prop up others. Otherwise, you should expect a period of great, and healthy harvests regarding your most special cannabis companion. If you are single, this positivity will easily translate to your friends and family, also known as your “partners in chronic.” Although you may be feeling proud of your renewed confidence, remember there is a thin line that separates hubris and humility. Just because you think highly of yourself, that does not necessarily make you above everyone else.

You are seen as a natural leader by those who have the pleasure of working with you, stoner Aries. Your peers will often seek your guidance and outside-the-box approaches to solving difficult problems. This month, however, it will benefit you to adopt slightly more passive, supporting roles. Counter to your historical trends, attacking tasks from behind the scenes will enable you the freedom to try new tactics. Roll and light one up stoner Aries and stay at a mellow, but maintainable pace. You will be successful if you think like a long distance runner and look far into the future. Don’t come up short by focusing all your energy on only one leg of the race.