Previous Episode: Aries October 2015
Next Episode: Aries December 2015

My dearest Stoner Ram, before we have this talk you need to grab your bat and dug out. Got it?  Good.  Now pack it and hit it a few times before we delve into the forecast for November. Are you ready for the most intense tests of 2015? Breathe in positivity, breathe out anxieties.  Do … Continue reading Aries November 2015 →

My dearest Stoner Ram, before we have this talk you need to grab your bat and dug out. Got it?  Good.  Now pack it and hit it a few times before we delve into the forecast for November.

Are you ready for the most intense tests of 2015? Breathe in positivity, breathe out anxieties.  Do it now.

The month of November is going to be difficult to say the very least.  You must decide now that these tests will only allow you to prevail into a sea of goodness.  Yes you will hurdle these circumstances, but you MUST go through them.  There is no other way.

In your world of work stoner Aries prepare for some minor upsets if you own your own business.  If you prepared and saved you will overcome the small inconveniences of malfunctioning office machines and employee upsets.  If you did not you will be at a loss.  If you are in the midst of working for someone else you need to mentally prepare for negativity from your boss.  Some of this is due to your past performance, the rest is due to the pressures on them.  Keep your head up, stick to your guns and keep the sticky stuff in your vape.  These tests will eventually pay off in the long run.  Do not heed the quick easy pay off this month you will lose.

The love life of the stoner Ram will be the most trying.  Hit that bat again my smoking companion.  Now inhale deeply:

The lessons you will learn about yourself and your love life will be earth shattering this month.  Borrow the spirit of the Phoenix and know you will rise from the ashes more alive and better off.  You need to take a stance.  Find time to meditate with a nice hybrid and make that decision that will ultimately put you in a better position.  It will be fiercely difficult, but you must stand your ground.  You must make this decision to better your life for you and those you love.  Your friends will be there for you. Although this is a journey they cannot join you in. Your mantra this month needs to be: I am stronger than they know.  Remember you can and will get through this Aries.  Things always get better and you will too.