Previous Episode: Aries April 2018
Next Episode: Aries June 2018

Stoner Aries, you can expect this particular month of May to be straight fire! You have the sun at your back and green pastures at your feet. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t have to grind. It would be silly to assume that gardens yield spectacular harvests without getting your hands dirty. Be prepared to … Continue reading Aries May 2018 →

Stoner Aries, you can expect this particular month of May to be straight fire! You have the sun at your back and green pastures at your feet. However, this doesn’t mean you won’t have to grind. It would be silly to assume that gardens yield spectacular harvests without getting your hands dirty. Be prepared to get a little messy this month Stoner Aries. The world is your garden and you have plenty of work to do. To ensure efficiency is at its highest levels, you must tackle properly developed and planned projects. Once you have accomplished your current list of to-dos, you will have plenty of time remaining to burn through your net passion project.

Stoner Aries there will be more hours in the days in May. Your biggest challenge will be to determine how you will spend them. Opportunities are only as rewarding as your willingness to take them. If you are in a position of leadership, it will be even more important for you to take initiative prompting those you lead to pursue spectacular successes. However, this may require you to be stern with subordinates who are not completely convinced such great feats can be accomplished. Be kind, but be candid. Whether you are leader of the pack, or working your way up the ladder, Stoner Aries, it will be important to keep the peace at work, and the peace-pipe at home. While there are certainly times when the two can mix, business and bud-ness should remain distinctly separate this month.

Whether single, or with a special stoner companion, you will have the opportunity to take time for self reflection. Take a chance on investing in yourself, Stoner Aries. Perhaps you will embark on hike to your favorite smoke spot. Or, you may indulge in an all-inclusive smoke session with your closest partners in chronic. Just remember, you have special someones who are relying on you to bring the goodness and the green. When others are involved, there will always be bumps in the short term, but you can rest assured there will be few bruises in the long run.