Previous Episode: Aries November 2018
Next Episode: Aries January 2019

Stoner Aries it is crucial you do what is in your power to stay humble this month. You are often called upon to help lead others or to tackle the tough problems. But, you need to worry about tending to your own garden, and completing your own projects before offering help to others. You will … Continue reading Aries December Horoscope →

Stoner Aries it is crucial you do what is in your power to stay humble this month. You are often called upon to help lead others or to tackle the tough problems. But, you need to worry about tending to your own garden, and completing your own projects before offering help to others. You will only be successful in your efforts if you are able to keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and your focus straight ahead. It is highly advised you restock the stash jar early in the month. Find a nice Indica/Sativa hybrid: This will help you achieve the balance needed to stay motivated and focused, while at the same time relaxed and patient. This combination should see you through the tough tasks of the month.

It is always solid advice to keep your work relationships in good standing. No one wants to purposefully instigate unwanted drama. Just remember stoner Aries, not everyone has to be your BFF. Keep it professional, but stand your ground when disagreements occur. Critique the idea, not the person. Any efforts you spend trying to make others look bad, is only time wasted that you could have spent toward progress. As long as all parties are willing to listen to the others’ perspective, the only problems you will experience will be figuring out the best way to tackle obstacles as a team. Remember stoner Aries, the stoners who toke together stay together. Keep it moving forward, and keep it positive. The true meaning of ‘sharing is caring,’ means sticking together through the rough patches so we can all better enjoy the good times when they come.

The key to a successful December is confidence! While the month is likely to move forward at a seemingly slow pace, you will have the time to reflect before making meaningful choices. Take time for solo meditative smoke sessions with the sacred herb. Use these solo smoke sessions to ground your roots. Keep it green, and keep it growing, stoner Aries.

When it comes to serving others or pursuing your own goals, it is okay to focus on personal causes first this month. Self-betterment will prepare you to help others in the long run. Use a keen third eye to see the motives of fellow terrestrial astronauts. It is up to you to distinguish between those who wish to join the smoke circle, and those who just want to smoke your stash.