Previous Episode: Aries July 2016
Next Episode: Aries September 2016

August 2016 will be a bit like a tightrope walker act for the stoner Aries.  It will also be a time of mindful & soulful ascension into a higher place of being if you so choose it to be.  Each step you take this month will require balance and foresight.  The cosmos are your net and … Continue reading Aries August 2016 →

August 2016 will be a bit like a tightrope walker act for the stoner Aries.  It will also be a time of mindful & soulful ascension into a higher place of being if you so choose it to be.  Each step you take this month will require balance and foresight.  The cosmos are your net and balance bar; there when you need them yet unbinding so you can freely make your own moves.

You may want to utilize a sativa to help you find and maintain inertia at work, as it will seem a bit static.  However, you will see through this if you allow your intuition to take over.  It will behoove you to see things as they are, but also as they could be.  This inner awakening will help you to set yourself up to overcome all possible obstacles this month.  Feel free to implement that blindfolded back flip on the tightrope this month stoner Aries.  You will stick the landing like a good solid dab.  This victory alone will give you the esteem boost you need in the coming months.

You may have committed to a risky stunt in your working world, but my cannabis companion, your personal life is where the mask of your true self will be stripped away.  Your feelings will be rampant and overwhelming throughout the entirety of August.  Try each evening to make time for yourself with yoga and meditation utilizing the sacred herb.  Use an indica to better reach a state of calmness.  Be brave and face your feelings with an open heart. Share them with those closest to you and heed their wisdom.  By month’s end you will be ready to style and free fall into the net the cosmos have set up for you.  Bravo Aries, Bravo!