Previous Episode: Aries March 2016
Next Episode: Aries May 2016

April 2016 is a month of yin and yang for my fellow stoner Aries.  While you will be blessed with an adequate amount of positive energy you will need to keep one foot on the ground.  Stick to a high CBD hybrid for most of your daily tokes.  By keeping yourself grounded this month you … Continue reading Aries April 2016 →

April 2016 is a month of yin and yang for my fellow stoner Aries.  While you will be blessed with an adequate amount of positive energy you will need to keep one foot on the ground.  Stick to a high CBD hybrid for most of your daily tokes.  By keeping yourself grounded this month you will better enable yourself to deal with any core problems that pop up and more thoroughly enjoy the high times!

For the Ram that is attached:  You have attained many interpersonal goals in the past months, this is true.  Now what will you do with yourself when it comes to love?  Do you have a feeling deep down that something isn’t quite right within your lovership?  This is the month to contemplate this.  Lean on the sacred herb and do some meditating.  Include your close friends and family in this decision.  You may not like what they have to say but, you do need to hear it.  The single Aries will have a much more positive time in decision making this month!  You will still need time to contemplate before making any big moves in the arena of love, so don’t rush anything!

In your professional life, you have also accomplished many things over the past year.  The word ‘past’ is key here stoner Aries.  Although your past has set up a great foundation for you, it  is time to plunge ahead on your new goals.  Take your one-hitter to work with you and use it to fuel that creative mind of yours to take flight in your new direction.  Find your Zen and all will work out.  Make sure you leave your work at work this month and when you are at home, be at home.  This is key to your productivity levels this April.