Core Set 2019 is officially out on Magic Online and the brewers have been doing work! Gerry and Bryan take a deep dive into the first 17 decklists to go 5-0 on Magic Online and pick out their favorites for the upcoming weeks.

Who was the big winner from Core Set 2019? Is Stitcher's Supplier as great as Gerry predicted? Is Nicol Bolas running amok? Where do you want to be going forward? The GAM Podcast answers all these questions and more.

Music: Donkey Kong Country

Decks we've been playing - 7:34
B/U GPG - 13:23
Sifter Wurm - 22:11
Jeskai Control - 25:06
Grixis Midrange - 29:27
Zombies - 32:55
Steel Leaf Stompy win percentage - 46:04
B/U Midrange - 56:27
W/B Knights - 1:01:49
Question of the Week - 1:11:05

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