In a time of uncertainty, Ian and Naomi share uplifting news about foster care adoption rates and how to protect children from adverse experiences

The post Measuring adversity (and protecting kids from it) appeared first on American Enterprise Institute - AEI.

With all of the tragic, negative stories filling the news on a daily basis, is there any good news to report in the foster care and adoption space? How are people getting creative in addressing the unique challenges policymakers in this industry face today? 

Join Naomi and Ian as they highlight some positive trends in the adoption of children out of foster care. Later they examine an innovative technique one California official is using to screen children for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). 

Show Notes:
– All-time high in children adopted from foster care (0:30)
– Importance of making adoptions official (2:48)
– How to get involved with the adoption community (4:29)
– Screening for Adverse Childhood Experiences (6:18)
– Family structure as a shield against ACEs (11:51)

Foster Care Adoptions Reach Record High (PEW Charitable Trusts)

The post Measuring adversity (and protecting kids from it) appeared first on American Enterprise Institute - AEI.