Vision Sunday 2022
Stones of Significance: Joshua 4

Stones of Significance: What stone will you lay for future generations?
1. God did miracles for the children of Israel, and He wanted them to remember it (v. 1-3). Faith comes before sight. Don’t wait for everything to fall into place before you take your first step of faith. Take your first step of faith after God calls your name and tells you to move!

2. God called the leaders to lay stones of significance that would impact future generations (v. 3-7, 21-24). When God wants to do something mighty in the earth, He always raises up a leader who is willing to lead the people of God’s forward in the mission of God.

3. The children of Israel moved forward with the mission of God in their lives (v. 8-9). In the Great Co-Mission, Jesus tells us what to do—make disciples. He tells us where to go—everywhere. He tells us who to reach—everyone from every nation. He tells us what we need to be about—going (being on mission); baptizing (reaching people with the Gospel); and teaching (the fundamentals of the Christian faith). The Gospel never changes, but the methods must change so that others may understand the Good News in their own culture.

Our Mission: To lead ORDINARY people into EXTRAORDINARY life in Christ.
B3-Belong. Believe. Become. (the 3 verbs of our mission)
Our Vision: We are one family in many locations. Our vision is being a missional community of Radical, Relational, and Relevant Christ-followers.
R3-Radical. Relational. Relevant. (The 3 adjectives of our vision).
5 Year Vision Goal: To reach and disciple 1% of our community (60,000) people.
⎫ Active in worship (100%)
⎫ Connected to community (80%)
⎫ Embracing my place through serving and giving (50%)
⎫ Multiplying myself (25%)
5-year outcome: 800 active worshippers by the end of 2026.
*Active=attends at least once a month (12 services minimum per year).
*Includes those who are engaging in worship in our online ministries.

The Adjectives of our vision: R3: Radical, Relational, and Relevant.
So what does this look like? What’s our goal? The following is a breakdown of our goals for moving people into greater levels of discipleship and engagement with our mission:
> Active in worship (100%)-400+ people.
o How are we doing? We now have over 350 people active in worship!
> Connected to community (80%). 20+ Arden Groups.
o How are we doing? We now have 15 groups this year.
> Embracing my place through serving and giving (50%). 200+ people actively serving.
o How are we doing? We have around 125 people actively serving.
> Multiplying myself (25%) 1000+ Gospel Conversations.
o How are we doing? We have had ___ Gospel Conversations.

5-year outcome: 800 active worshippers by the end of 2026.
*Active=attends at least once a month (12 minimum per year. This includes in person and online engagement).

Our Big 5 Objectives to reach our 5-year vision:
1. Proclaim the Gospel in our community, city, and world (Acts 1:8 strategy).
2. Produce and equip multiplying disciples (Matthew 28:18-20).
3. Invade the 167—Strategically connect with people outside of Sunday services (Acts 2:40-47).
4. Raise up and empower dynamic leaders who have great character, competency, and chemistry (I Timothy 3:1-13; Titus 2:1-10).
5. Launch at least one new church location. We will be one family in at least two locations (Isaiah 61, Psalm 78:4-7).

Today’s Big Idea: God has given you a stone of significance that has the potential to impact generations to come.

Action Steps:
1) Engage with the Great Commission. Dedicate your life to impacting the lives of others for eternity.
2) Commit to use your stone of significance to impact generations to come. Share the history of God in your life with the next generation. Make sure that your faith rubs off on them in impactful ways!
3) Join our church family and become part of something that is bigger than yourself: A family of God that right in the middle of a move of God in our midst!

Preview for next Sunday: New Series: Holy Habits! An exciting 7-week series to help you start off the Fall season with renewed holy habits that have the power to change your daily life!