Shipwrecked, snake bitten, but not forgotten!
Acts 27:39-28:10

Today’s Question: How should you respond AFTER you’ve experienced a great tragedy in your life?

1. You ship may sink, but you are not sunk (27:39-44). Eventually you will get to the end of the storm that you’re in.

2. God’s goodness often shows up in the most unlikely places (28:1-2). After a great storm, look for a rainbow of God’s goodness and love in your life.

3. Satan often likes to strike after a great breakthrough (28:3). How to avoid the snake bites of life: Put on the full armor of God because the ancient serpent is looking to land a bite on you to slow down or even stop your progress in your calling and your character.

4. People often assume the worst about you when something bad happens to you (28:4). It is so easy to get caught up in social media likes, the size of your following, and how many friends you have. It’s easy to find your identity by the amount of money you possess, the size of your house, and by the name of the college that you graduated from. But guess what? While all these things can be a blessing—none of these things really matter against the light of eternity. What really matters is that you know that you belong to Jesus. I am my Beloved’s, and He is mine!

5. Let God be your defender when the deck is stacked against you (v. 28:5-6). What Paul did physically…you can learn to do spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. àWhen the enemy attacks, you learn to shake it off!

How to “shake off” when the enemy latches on:
Prayer. Pray it off.
Community. Together, we pull it off.
Fasting. Breaking it off.
Worship. Praise it off.

6. Keep doing the most eternal good you can even when times are not favorable (28:7-10). Avoid mission drift and stay determined to stick with what God’s call you to do—no matter what happens to you!


The Gospel: For the Believer-Shake off the bites from the enemy. Look to Jesus for healing. Ask for forgiveness where you have let bitterness grow in your heart. And forgive all those who have hurt you in the past.

For the Seeker-You have been bit by sin. The only way to shake off the stain of sin is by asking Jesus to save you, forgive you, and set you free!

Today’s Big Idea: When you get bit by a snake, shake it off and keep moving forward with the mission of God in your life!

Action Steps (Applications):

Learn to turn sunk ships into unearthed treasures: There’s a purpose behind every storm.
Shake it off and turn to Jesus. Lean in Jesus when you feel hurt, afraid, or tempted to give up.
Put on the full armor of God to prevent future snake bites!
Stick to the mission. Don’t let the “sinking ships” or the “snake-bits” of life cause you to get off mission.

Preview for next week

Read Acts 28:11-31.