In the stirring conclusion of our conversation with Cosmo Baker, we cover: Cosmo's favorite current band and their mysterious personnel, Inflo and his Charles Stepney-influenced sound, our varied opinions on cell phone requests both plain and fancy, the new Kid Sister song and how it would fit nicely in Scrubs, XXXtentacioni, Mike's love for Scrubs, the latest in Old Town Road news, updates and traffic, Iggor for the kids vs. Iggor for the old head, filtering the constant flood of new music through curators, the impact of how music spreads today vs. how it used to, the iTunes panic and Michael's forecast of Apple's slow death in the non-mobile market, the USA's dwindling cultural capital and how it's maybe not a bad thing.

Check Cosmo's new Mixcloud Select channel (it's like Patreon for DJs, and Cosmo's using all of the subscription funds to fund the artists he's featuring):