Tom Beaulieu is the Member of the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly for the Tu Nedhe'-Wiilideh constituency in the Canadian North. Tom served as President of the Northwest Territories Housing Corporation, and as a Deputy Minister in the Northwest Territories Government, prior to being elected to office in 2007. He has served as Minister of several portfolios including Transportation, Public Works, Human Resources, Health and Social Services, Seniors and Persons with Disabilities. Tom is of Chipewyan decent and originally from Fort Resolution. Tom's father supported the family by trapping and Tom ran his own trapline early in life. In the podcast we discuss how Tom learned his language listening to elders, being forbidden from speaking his language in day school, the challenges of unemployment and addictions, how truth and reconciliation is different for everyone, and how he sees attitudes changing towards indigenous peoples.

***We Apologize The Sound Quality Is Poor. Best Listened To With Headphones/Earbuds.***