What if we approached urban crime as a design problem and deployed our methods and skills to reframe the questions we have been asking to ameliorate – if not completely obliterate – criminal activities? The team at Designing Out Crime (DOC), a collaboration between the New South Wales Department of Community and Justice, and the University of Technology Sydney, did just that. They used research, public engagement and human-centered design to tackle a wide range of urban challenges.

Dr. Lindsay Asquith is a Senior Lecturer at the School of Design, University of Technology Sydney (UTS) and was the Director of the Designing Out Crime Research Centre. She has a PhD in architecture and behavior, wherein her research focuses on how design can affect behaviour change. She has recently led projects that reframe the problem of damage to social housing properties as well as use design methodologies to minimize violence and aggression in hospital emergency departments.

DOC's work: http://www.design-innovation.com.au/designing-out-crime
