After graduating from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2020, Vaissnavi Shukl was about to move to California for a new job when she received a polite rejection from the design firm stating a shift in their hiring priorities due to COVID-19. Unsettled and unsure of her future, she thought about all the incredible people she knew, who were associated with architecture but were doing some pretty incredible stuff. This is the preview of her new (and first) podcast “Architecture Off-Centre”.

After graduating from the Harvard Graduate School of Design in 2020, Vaissnavi Shukl was about to move to California for a new job when she received a polite rejection from the design firm stating a shift in their hiring priorities due to COVID-19. Unsettled and unsure of her future, she thought about all the incredible people she knew, who were associated with architecture but were doing some pretty incredible stuff. This is the preview of her new (and first) podcast “Architecture Off-Centre”.