With the price of Tesla (#TSLA) stock skyrocketing over $900 per share this week, despite being under $300 only a few months ago, while the company has still yet to make a GAAP profit, the debate rages on as to whether it's better than sliced bread, or an electric tulip bulb. As Dave Kranzler of Investment Research Dynamics joined me on the show to discuss.

While some are calling for Tesla to continue rising, Dave introduces some points that are worth considering. And also discusses how the share price really started to accelerate coincidentally at the same time the #FederalReserve started pumping new money into the system this past September.

So is it the company of our future, or the next #Enron?

Click to discover for yourself!


To read Dave’s research and get access to his “Short Seller’s Journal” and “Mining Stock Journal” go to:

Interview by #ChrisMarcus of #ArcadiaEconomics on February 6, 2020: