With a breakout in the gold price, and the Federal Reserve monetary policy guaranteeing the rally is just getting started, a lot of investors are increasingly seeking out gold exposure.

They’re turning to the mining stocks to capture leverage on the rally, and one gold stock that fits that profile is Bluestone Resources. Whose Cerro Blanco project is a permitted high-grade, gold development project backed by one of the most successful families in the mining industry. That’s also just about to enter the “pre-production sweet-spot” where many mining stocks often experience the majority of their gains.

Bluestone is operated by Jack Lundin of the “entrepreneurially successful” Lundin family, which means the company is being run by someone with the expertise and access to bring a project like this to fruition. So if you’re invested in gold and silver, it’s a company you’ll want to know about.

And to find out more about Bluestone Resources, click to listen now!