Walker was a really popular side-scrolling shooter for the Amiga game, developed by DMA Design. It also had a novel control system and showed off some of the best graphics ever achieved on an Amiga title. So buckle up in your Walker robot and press play!

Do yourself a favour and for the first minute or so crank the volume UP!

Ian Dunlop and Neill Glancy's side-scrolling shooter captured the imagination of our Adrian and Dylan when they were teenagers. It struck such a chord with Adrian that he's structured a whole podcast about it! Also channelling Scott Johnston's supreme mech animations, Raymond Usher's thumping soundtrack and DMA Design's David Jones pulling the strings, it received 80%+ reviews across the board.

The keyboard (or joystick) and mouse combination was revolutionary at the time and made for satisfying action. But was it all a bed of roses? The boys are here to pick it all apart...

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