On September 13, the Gray Center hosted a conference on The Future of White House Regulatory Oversight and Cost-Benefit Analysis. At the conference, a number of scholars presented new research on cost-benefit analysis and the White House’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, or “OIRA.” All of the papers are available on the Gray Center’s […]

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On September 13, the Gray Center hosted a conference on The Future of White House Regulatory Oversight and Cost-Benefit Analysis. At the conference, a number of scholars presented new research on cost-benefit analysis and the White House's Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, or "OIRA." All of the papers are available on the Gray Center's web site. And the conference was keynoted by the White House's Acting Administration of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Paul Ray.

Our closing panel was focused on improving agency cost-benefit analyses. We discussed three new papers: Caroline Cecot and Robert Hahn's paper on "Transparency in Agency Cost-Benefit Analysis"; Jerry Ellig and Richard Williams's "David Versus Godzilla: Bigger Stones"; and William Yeatman's paper, "Why Two Congressional OIRA Are Better Than One." In the discussion, Cecot, Williams, and Yeatman were joined by Connor Raso. The discussion was moderated by the Gray Center's Director, Adam White. The papers and video are available at https://administrativestate.gmu.edu/events/the-future-of-white-house-regulatory-oversight-and-cost-benefit-analysis/.

Featuring Caroline Cecot, Richard Williams, Will Yeatman, Connor Raso, and Adam White

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