Adam White and Jace Lington talk with Jonathan Wolfson about a new Cicero Institute report that ranks state regulatory systems based on their accountability, responsiveness, and transparency. They discuss cost-benefit analysis, regulatory sunset provisions, state-level centralized review modeled on OIRA, and venue restrictions.

Matthew Nolan and Jonathan Wolfson, National Regulatory Reform: Progress Rankings Report 2023Matthew Nolan and Jonathan Wolfson, State Regulatory Processes Are Ripe for Reform, GoverningCicero Institute, Regulatory Sunset Model BillHarvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, Administrative Law in the StatesEugene Scalia, 2023 C. Boyden Gray Lecture on the Administrative State, “The Administrative State Debate: A View From the Secretary’s Office”2021, Stuart Shapiro, The Impossibility of Legislative Regulatory Reform and the Futility of Executive Regulatory Reform, George Mason Law Review