23 year old passionate controversial and fun loving Alex Cardinale is proud to have his own NEW podcast called AC (Alex Cardinale) Network. Alex will be speaking about topics he has a passion for and enjoys! Alex will have a fish keeping show, a cooking show, and a wrestling show. Alex has been hosting podcasts previously on BlogTalkRadio for the past 4 years doing fish shows and cooking shows. Both of his shows on BTR were featured shows in their respective categories. After 4 years, Alex decided it was time to up the anty and move up the podcasting world and join Buzzsprot where his show will have a much larger and new audience as well as be able to broadcast various other areas. Buzzsprout get ready for AC Network and the passionate Alex Cardinale.
Welcome to AC NETWORK!
Planned Outline for today's show:
~ What is AC Network?
~ Why I love podcasting
~ What to expect on AC Network
~ Get to Know Alex Cardinale
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