Pimelodus catfish are a very nice genus of catfish that hail from South American. They are generally very hardy and there are many species too choose from all reaching different adult sizes. Some species of Pimelodus like the Pictus Catfish are perfect for home aquariums while others like the Red Tail Catfish aren't. Most species of Pimelodus can be kept in home aquariums with other species of catfish and larger growing fish. Find out all about the Pimelodus species of catfish on this episode of The Catfish Cave!

Species that will be discussed:

Pictus Catfish

Four Lined Pictus Catfish

Ornate Pimelodus

Vulture Catfish

Marbled Achara

I will be giving out information on these catfish!

Check out my Other Projects outside tropical fish keeping:

In the Kitchen with Alex Cardinale-https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC19zYJcYtfCSMHAvCUC1qsA

See me Cook Chicken Parmigana with a friend:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BoTzSRYz0fI

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