It's time to continue our South American Cichlid talk! It's part 2 of our South American Cichlid series. I will be discussing some awesome South American cichlids that are perfect for small to medium and even large community aquariums. Some of these cichlids have gorgeous coloration and amazing personalities.
Join Aqua Alex as he discusses Acaras, Geophagus, and Dwarf cichlids.
The following species will be discussed on this episode:
-Threadfin Acara
- Blue Acara
-Geophagus Redhead Tapajos
- Santaperca Dameon
-Santaperca Jurupari
- Santaperca Leucosticta
-German Blue Ram
- Bolivan Ram
Enjoy the show and thanks for listening!
Tune in to the 500th episode This Saturday May 30th streaming and available at 9 PM ET/6 PM PT.