It's Saturday and that means it's time for some fun! Alex loves having fun on Saturdays and I love hosting podcasts. So this is a win for me because I have fun and this is a win for you because it will be a good listen and you should also get some laughs out of this show. Saturday LIVE! With Alex Cardinale promises to deliver a quality podcast dedicated to hard working Americans who want to relax and unwind on the weekend!

Topics for this show:

~ Special guest: Jeremey Stellhorn

Jeremey is a listener of American Variety Network, he is also a very nice man currently going through a hard time right now. He is a great friend of mine and I hope his apperance on this show will make him feel better. Jeremey is a fish keeper, and we will find out about his hobbies.

~ Discussion on Superbowl 50 preview, predictions and how the Panthers and Broncos got here.

~ This Saturday in History, funny audio clips, funny prank calls, and all of our segments



Enjoy the show!