It's time to solve our 2nd Crime Case. Join me, Alex Cardinale as I break down the December 21, 2011 Homicide in Tampa Bay Florida, between 2 former Boyfriends. 21 Year Old Landy Martinez is found dead upon Police Arrival. When police arrived, they found the house broken into and all the security cameras were all pulled out and turned off.
Landy was on the verge of starting over in life with a new boyfriend, and a new experience. He had just ended a bad relationship and was ready for a new chapter. Unfortunately, Landy never got to end the chapter on a good note.
Landy's Ex, Jose Adames made sure that there would be no happy ending, if Landy would not let Jose be in his life.
Find out about what led to the crime and what happened to Landy.
R.I.P. To Landy Martinez
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Alexander Cardinale

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