Chef Alex has gone to Culinary school for 5 years. He has completed a Culinary Arts course and recieved a Certificate. I'm also Serv-Safe Certified and OSHA Certified so should I ever decide to return to a kitchen I could. I am looking to give back what I learned in my 5 years of Cooking school to all of you my listeners. I want to teach you everything from a proffesional standpoint so you can be the best chef you can!

Our first topic I am going to be speak about is Food Safety. A course that I've had to study each year in culinary school. What exactly is food safety? It's literally the science behind the food, the bacteria in the food we eat, and things like that.

Topics for the show:

~ How to keep Food Safe

~ Temperate Danger Zone

~ What is Cross contamination and how can it be avoided