The tropical fish keeping hobby is definately a fun hobby to be in. Not only do you get to recreate a part of the Amazon and other big rivers or a piece of the ocean in your living room, office, or bed room but you also get to experience the joy and ups and downs of raising tropical fish, This is a hobby that will definatley have it's ups and downs. Every hobby has controversy and there is a shit ton of controversy in the fish hobby. Aqua Alex over the next few months is going to break down some of the controversy in this hobby and discuss what he thinks is wrong with the fish keeping hobby,

Planned for the show:

~ Wal-Mart Selling Tropical Fish

~ Over Stocking Aquariums and the Inch Per Gallon rule

~  Saltwater fish being caught with controversial methods

~ Monster fish being sold to unsuspecting hobbyists

~ Hobbyists rehoming of fish Illegally 

~ The great feeder debate

This should be a fun show!

Please check out Aqua Alex on youtube: