Aqua Alex and Aquatic Wetline kick start your 2017 fish keepers and tropical fish hobbyists with a BANG! I present to you on this very first episode of 2017, a action packed tropical fish chat with not 1 not 2 not even 3 but 4 (YES FOUR) fish keeping guests, tropical fish chat, and more!!!!!

This is a show you will not want to miss, fish keepers, let's start Aquatic Wetline and 2017 on the right now!



Community Fish Lover: Jeremy Stellhorn 

African Cichlid Lover: Donovan Barger

Frontosa and Cichlid Lover: First time guest Jeffery Josiah Jones

SURPRISE GUEST: Red Devil Cichlid Breeder and Lover Antonio Martina

Antonio Martina the winner of the 2016 OCA Cichlid Show with his gorgeous Red Devil will be here to chat with Aqua Alex about red devil cichlids and how to keep and breed them! Did you know Antonio has also bred Oscars and has been on Aquatic Wetline a few years back to discuss this? Well go search his name and oscar on google and you'll find it.


~News for Aquatic Wetline 2017

~ Aqua Alex's New Freshwater Aquarium and the species in it

Information on the following species:  Blood Parrot Cichlids, Jaguar Cichlid, Salvini Cichlid, Green Terror Cichlid, and Jack Dempsey Cichlid

~AND MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feel free to call in LIVE on the show (January 15th 2017 9 PM ET TO 11 PM ET, 8 PM CT TO 10 PM CT, 7 PM MT TO 9 PM MT, AND 6 PM PT TO 8 PM PT ONLY) at 1 347-989-8142 to discuss your fish keeping plans for 2017 and what fish you want to keep.