All fish keepers love going to their local fish stores. You would be lying to yourself as a fish keeper if you say you don't like buying fish from the local fish store. Every single fish keeper likes going to the store viewing all the tanks picking out fish purchasing fish and equipment. But, there are all kinds of fish keepers out there and all kinds of employees. I bet you all have seen funny things and have a store to tell about the local fish stores you go to. That is what I am going to talk about on this episode of Aquatic Wetline!!!


Planned for the Show:

~ My Local Fish Store Stories

~ A discussion on My Local Fish Stores

I will discuss the local fish stores in my area.

Enjoy the show.

Don't forget to email [email protected].... in email give name, fish you keep, favorite fish, and your career...... if you are one of the first 8 you will be on the first episode of Aquatic Wetline Aquatic Triva Game.

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Tropical Fish Keepers of Aquatic Wetline:

A.C.TropicalFish1993 on Youtube

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