With Thanksgiving right around the corner, it's time for Aqua Alex to show some listener appreciation! I am thankful for all of the fish keepers who listen to my show! I am thankful for all the support and love I get. To show my thankfulness, all through out the month of November, I will be doing listener special episodes which will feature special guests and or topics. What special fish keeping guests and topics will there be this year?
Joining the show today is a good friend of mine, crayfish keeper and breeder, and fellow fish keeper Mr. James Jones! James has embarked a new fish keeping business adventure and has also rekindled his love of cichlids and tropical fish.  James and Aqua Alex will chat about tropical fish for your listening pleasure! Everything from crayfish to oscars will be discussed!
~ Is James still keeping and breeding Crayfish?
~ What tropical fish is James keeping?
~ James Cichlid Adventures
~ Discussion on Oscars
~ James discusses his newest business Claws and Fins Aquatics
Enjoy the show! As always thanks for listening and thanks for the support!
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