Halloween is NOW just 4 days away! With Halloween, being so close it's time for some spookiness. It's time for some scares! Get ready to be spooky and scared.
Hear some very scary Halloween stories that will leave you shaking. Plus, hear about some underwater scary stories unraveled by Marine Biologist Jeremy Wade. Speaking of Halloween scares, how can you talk about Halloween stories with out Halloween movies? I will be chatting about Halloween movies on this episode as well.
This is going to be a fun episode of the Alex Cardinale Show. If you love Halloween, you will enjoy this show.
Please bare with me. I used a text to speech voice for some of the Halloween scary stories because of my allergies and I was losing my voice. I know that it can get annoying at times, but the Halloween scary stories are good.
~ Spooky Halloween stories Including: Bloody Mary, The Hitchhiker, The Shrouded Horseman,Don't Sell My House, Axe Murder Howell and more!
~ Underwater Scary Stories from Marine Biologist and Angler Jeremy Wade including Arapaima, Piranhas, Monster catfish and Anacondas
~ Halloween movie chat!!!
Enjoy this episode of the Alex Cardinale Show, M'KAY!

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