Cory and Joel discuss their favorite fish to keep in the aquarium, what better way to start 2018 than with the favorites? The Real Fish Talk team chat about their favorite fish for various types of tanks, like Pangasius in a large pond, leopard frog plecos, Panda guppies in a 40 breeder, White Cloud minnows, Koi Bettas, Mbu puffers in a 5000 gallon tank and more! Cory poses a question if Joel were to design a massive tank for the public, what would he create?

Also covered in this podcast are the idea of forever fish, memories of Cory’s first fish room, monster fish like stingrays, the most massive arowana Cory has ever seen, Joel’s experience with the accidental giant plecostomus, and the plan of the Aquarium Co-Op super warehouse! Join the guys for trips down memory lane, discussion on their favorite fish and plans for their own fishkeeping future and a question and answer session.