Cory and Joel tackle aquarium photography and video in this episode, so if you’ve ever wanted to share videos and photos of your aquariums with friends, this is the podcast for you! The Real Fish Talk crew cover everything you need to up your video and photography skills like the benefits of using a smartphone camera for easier framing, choosing a camera option based on your end goal, and the benefits of not filming in 4K when your device can support it. Tips and advice abound in this episode, so listen in and don’t miss out on a special guest appearance from the Aquascaper, George Farmer, to find out what equipment he uses to make his videos.

In addition, you’ll hear about methods for taking better photos, determining time versus equipment cost for getting better shots, why professional photography equipment might not be the best option for fish tanks and what Cory does that makes Jimmy the editor cringe. Listen in as Joel explains how to choose the right camera for the job, using depth of visual field and soft focus to your advantage, and Cory explains some of the best options to start with or upgrade to. After this episode, the Real Fish Talk team will have you ready to go the next level of creating video and photos of your fish!