Back in 2007, unaware of the incoming economic recession, Joe Pulizzi left his successful career with Penton Media to embark on a journey of entrepreneurship. Joe had no product to sell, but with the help of inspiring messages from authors like Stephen Covey and Napoleon Hill, he wrote out his goals and began developing an audience. Every day Joe blogged, and after a few years he managed to compile a database of over 10,000 email subscribers. It was only then that he decided to develop products and services to sell to his trusting followers.

There are many lessons to take from this, but the number one is that if you build an audience and become their trusted source of information, you can establish a successful business based on that audience’s needs. Joe outlines much of this in his bestselling book, “Content Inc.”, one of the topics in this episode of AQ’s Blog & Grill. Alan and Joe break down many aspects of a stellar content marketing strategy, debate the future of content marketing, and Joe shares his inspirations for writing Content Inc. By the way, since you’ve been reading this, another 1,000+ blogs have been launched on the internet. How will you stand out among them?

About Our Guest

Joe Pulizzi is a bestselling author, a world-renowned keynote speaker, and the founder of the Content Marketing Institute. Joe can often be found at the top of Content Marketing Influencer lists from publishers like Entrepreneur and Newscred. He is known for being one of the founders of the content marketing movement, using the term way back in 2001 when the internet was still a toddler. Joe has built his business, the Content Marketing Institute, from a small, daily content-focused blog to a world-leading media company that publishes an ongoing magazine and hosts the largest content marketing event in the world.