With over 35 years in the advertising world, thought leader Edward Boches joins Alan Quarry on AQ’s Blog & Grill to discuss the evolution of advertising. Edward is currently a professor of advertising at Boston University and previously chief creative officer and chief innovation officer at Mullen Advertising.

The advertising world is very demanding, and as new digital technologies and social media come into play, advertisers need to work hard to keep up. Edward discusses how to earn attention as a brand, how the advertising landscape has changed dramatically over the years, and what you can do as an ad agency to avoid falling behind.

About Our Guest

Edward Boches is an American professor at Boston University’s College of Communication where he has been teaching advertising since 2012. Edward was an early partner at Mullen, one of America’s premiere advertising agencies, and spent 31 years developing and defining both the business and his expertise. His work has been recognized by Cannes, The One Show, Clio Awards, the New York Art Directors Club and Communication Arts, and he has received over 100 Hatch Awards, including Best of Show.