Let’s just start by saying that Amy Schmittauer is a force to be reckoned with. Her Savvy Sexy Social brand is informative, fun and magnetic. In this grilling, Amy joins us for an insightful look at YouTube, Snapchat and authentic brand building. If you think YouTube is a dying medium, oh boy, are you wrong. As Amy states, the #2 search engine isn’t going anywhere and is more relevant than ever. Amy discusses finding your brand differentiator, being an “overnight” success and what drives her passion for vlogging. She shares her biggest Snapchat pet peeve and supports what marketing gurus Brian Fanzo and Jay Baer are doing right in this fast-paced social world.

Make sure you keep your eyes, ears and social channels focused on Amy Schmittauer. Amy has an upcoming book loaded with all the knowledge your savvy sexy social mind can handle!

About Our Guest

Amy Schmittauer is the face and founder of Savvy Sexy Social, a web series that focuses on helping businesses and rising stars create an authentic brand through video and social media. She is an internationally-acclaimed public speaker and was voted #1 Best Speaker at Social Media Day San Diego in 2015. Amy studied Political Science at Ohio State University.