Previous Episode: Welcome to AppStories

Federico and John introduce AppStories, talk about apps that made a difference in their lives, and highlight apps that have caught their attention recently.

Federico and John introduce AppStories, talk about apps that made a difference in their lives, and highlight apps that have caught their attention recently.

This episode is sponsored by:Gyroscope – See the complete story of your life
Shapego – Beautiful word clouds

Links and Show Notes

In the first segment of this week’s episode, Federico and John remember four iOS apps that had an impact on their lives and changed their perspective on the App Store. Some of these apps predate MacStories and pioneered several conventions of modern app design.

Federico and Twitterrific
Twitterrific by The Iconfactory
Macworld Video: iPhone Twitter apps
First look: Twitterrific 2 for iPhone
Twitterrific’s Tough Love
Redesigning Twitterrific
John and Instapaper
Instapaper by Marco Arment (original creator)
Instapaper: Now available offline
Review: Instapaper for iPhone
Tilt Scrolling in Instapaper Pro
Pocket (App Store link)
Federico and Editorial
Editorial by Ole Zorn
Automating iOS: How Pythonista Changed My Workflow
MacStories Pythonista Articles
Reinventing iOS Automation: Editorial Review
MacStories Editorial Articles
John and Tweetie
Tweetie by Loren Brichter
A Conversation With Loren Brichter
An Interview with Tweetie Developer Loren Brichter
Loren Brichter Talks About Pull-To-Refresh Patent and Design Process
Lesson 19, iPhone Application Programming (Stanford, Spring 2009)
New apps we’ve been trying
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AppStories (@AppStoriesNet)
Federico Viticci (@viticci)
John Voorhees (@johnvoorhees)

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