We've already discussed how Swift expands to Web. So, now it's time to focus on server-side Swift. And, yes, VAPOR. Tim Condon joins our podcast to talk on Swift's future on server, VAPOR roadmap, and all things Swift.

Our guest:
Tim Condon, VAPOR core team, https://twitter.com/0xtim

Useful links:
Swift on Server Development Guide – https://github.com/swift-server/guides

VAPOR Docs – https://docs.vapor.codes/4.0/

Learn web development with Swift – https://www.raywenderlich.com/server-side-swift

Tim's Book - Server-Side Swift with Vapor – https://www.raywenderlich.com/books/server-side-swift-with-vapor

Smoke Framework – https://github.com/amzn/smoke-framework

Soto, Swift SDK for Amazon Web Services – https://soto.codes

Watch this episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NINNVePLLR4

We've already discussed how Swift expands to Web. So, now it's time to focus on server-side Swift. And, yes, VAPOR. Tim Condon joins our podcast to talk on Swift's future on server, VAPOR roadmap, and all things Swift.

Our guest:

Tim Condon, VAPOR core team, @0xtim

Useful links:

Swift on Server Development Guide


Learn web development with Swift

Tim's Book "Server-Side Swift with Vapor"

Smoke Framework

Soto, Swift SDK for Amazon Web Services

Watch this episode on YouTube.

Podcast hosts:

Danis Tazetdinov: Twitter @edeniska, Telegram @edeniska (Apple Developer News channel).

Iryna Yatskevich: engineer enjoying adopting new tech, currently slightly changed her stack to work on brand new baby-startup Monika.

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