Cherry Blossoms at Night

a biological warfare mystery thriller

Appaloosa Radio is pleased to offer a dramatization of the first chapter of Brandon Michaels’ forthcoming novel, Cherry Blossoms at Night --- a biological warfare mystery thriller.


In 1945, the Japanese military ordered Operation PX, the release of biological weapons on civilians inside the United States in retaliation of the incendiary bombings of Tokyo. The designated targets were San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.  World War II ended in August of 1945, or did it?  This story captures the reality that an apocalyptic event can easily happen and for similar ill-conceived reasoning. COVID was just the beginning.

Author Biography


Brandon Michaels is an Award-winning American author.  Brandon, an extremophile, has run marathons and mountain climbed on all seven continents. He has traveled to the four corners of the world visiting over 100 countries.  Brandon is a retired homicide detective of 28+ years, and a licensed CA Private Investigator who writes short stories, anthologies, and destination travel articles for publications while writing his first novel.  Brandon lives in Northern California with his wife Audrey. 


He can be reached  at:  [email protected]


This dramatization was created with voices using the Eleven Labs – AI software. The theme music was performed by Audio Hero and is entitled “9-1-1 – a jazz adventure.” It was downloaded from the Royalty Free Music Apple iPhone app.  Sound effects came primarily from the Pixabay website --



The author retains any and all copyright use and ownership rights, present and in perpetuity. Use of this dramatization in any form is prohibited without the explicit permission of the author. 

Appaloosa Radio Online makes no use or ownership claims on this material. It is webcast only with the kind permission of the original author.