Rob Caraway is an appreneur who makes apps that sell. He's an indie app developer, growth hacker, entrepreneur & product guy who's worked on over 20 app projects since 2011. Rob has built and sold an app portfolio of 725,000 downloads which has netted him over $240,000 in only 2 years. We can all learn something from Rob's app journey.

Rob Caraway is an appreneur who makes apps that sell. He's an indie app developer, growth hacker, entrepreneur & product guy who's worked on over 20 app projects since 2011. Rob has built and sold an app portfolio of 725,000 downloads which has netted him over $240,000 in only 2 years. We can all learn something from Rob's app journey.


Resources: Website / Twitter  / Linkedin 

Here are the 3 things I learned from Rob...

Start with other peoples problem first. In Rob’s case, he spoke to people in various online communities and discovered a massive frustration sharing GIF’s via smartphones

Want to sell an app? Rob Google’d people who buy apps and approached them directly. SIMPLE YET GENIUS!

If you get bored with the apps you’ve built and the communities they appeal to, sell your app portfolio and start creating new things you’re more passionate about

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