Christian Rouffaert is a Digital Entrepreneur, London, working in Information Technology and Services. Discover a viable alternative to putting rubbish ads in your beautiful apps. Get paid to provide valuable data to the large telco companies. It's GENIUS and a must listen to episode for all small teams of developers or solo Appreneurs.

Christian Rouffaert is a Digital Entrepreneur, London, working in Information Technology and Services. Discover a viable alternative to putting rubbish ads in your beautiful apps. Get paid to provide valuable data to the large telco companies. It's GENIUS and a must listen to episode for all small teams of developers or solo Appreneurs.


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Here are 3 Things I learned From Christian Rouffaert:Ad networks are cumbersome for app developers because of the time intensity to manage them, the SDK integration, the ad blockers and the lack of guarantees over getting paidYou can make money from your app selling user data to big telecoms corporations (instead of frustrating ads)The life of a 9-5 corporate employee can be equated to a lab hamster (trended #1 on Reddit) 

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